The safe container for a bio-fireplace with an absorbent insert is a new solution used in bio-fireplace containers. It enables a significant reduction in fuel consumption and, above all, it excludes the risk of spillage / leakage, even in the event of an accidental fall of a bio-fireplace with fuel in the container.
The only permitted fuel that can be used in a bio-fireplace is fireplace fuel based on bio-alcohol (we recommend the BIO-DECO liquid for bio-fireplaces).
The element is made of acid-resistant sheet. It is additionally equipped with a closing handle.
– rectangular safe container, for bio-fuel with an absorbing insert
– adjustment handle for the container
– a scoop to control the filling level of the tank.
NOTE!! The 50% capacity of the bio-liner can be poured into the container at one time. A larger amount of fluid will cause the liquid to spill over after any possible tilting of the bio-container. Do not add bio-fuel to an operating bio-fireplace.